
Thich Nhat Hanh Sangha Copenhagen

Every Sunday you can join the Copenhagen sangha.

We meet every week, alternating between online and in-person meetings.

  • Online at 10-12 on Sundays in uneven weeks.
    Zoom meeting ID: 651 3381 4645
    Passcode: 483422
  • In person at 10-12 on Sundays in even weeks at Det Åbne Rum.
    Address: Østbanegade 13, 2100 København

Changes to this schedule are announced only in the Copenhagen sangha's Facebook group and are not posted here.

Wake Up Copenhagen

For ages 18-35. We meet on the last Tuesday of every month, 18:00-20:00. For more information and the meeting address, please contact Sonia at or +45 50 12 71 33.


We meet on the third Sunday of every month, 14:00-16:00, at

Øsal Ling, Fredensgade 39C, 8000 Århus C

Please register with Marienne Kjemtrup Hansen at


One a month, you are invited to join a day of mindfulness in the Plum Village Tradition, led by Brother Thay Phap Tru at the Vietnamese Chùa Liễu Quán temple in Glostrup. Families with children are very welcome, and a few times per year we have activities for children too.

Example Program

9:30 Arrival at the venue, settling in, singing

10:00 Meditation and recitation of the 5 MT
11:00 Dharma talk by Br. Thay Phap Tru
12:15 Walking meditation
13:00 Mindful lunch (bring your own vegetarian lunch)
14: 15 Total relaxation
15:00 Dharma Sharing in groups

16:00 Farewell

Upcoming Visits, Autumn 2024:

7/9, 5/10, 2/11, 30/11

Address: Irisvej 15, 2600 Glostrup.

READ ABOUT: Brother Thay Phap Tru


Visit from EIAB - July

Brother Thay Phap An and Sister Song Nghiem from EIAB will visit us again in July 2024.

July 3: Public talk by EIAB Abbot Br. Thay Phap An

Once again we are blessed with having one of the most experienced Dharma teachers from Plum Village visiting our community. Brother Thay Phap An, the Abbot of EIAB, will give a public speech in Phendeling Temple in central Copenhagen. This event will be open to the public and entrance will be limited, so register as soon as possible by writing to (your seat is booked when you received an email confirmation).

July 6: Day of Mindfulness and Transmission of the Five Mindfulness Trainings

On the 6th of July we will have a Day of Mindfulness in the temple in Glostrup. Community members who wish to take the Five Mindfulness Trainings will join in a ceremony and receive the trainings. On the same day Brother Thay Phap An, Brother Thay Phap Tru and Sister Song Nghiem will treat us with Dharma talks and more.

If you feel an interest in committing yourself to the practice, to develop your practice deeper, then taking the Five Mindfulness trainings could be a very good opportunity for you. This is only the second time we offer this opportunity in Denmark. Aspirations for the Five Mindfulness Trainings should be send to no later than first of June to give Br. Thay Phap Tru time to look deeply into the aspiration and find your Dharma name. We strongly recommend that you join a Five Mindfulness Trainings study group if you plan to receive them.

Buddhist Psychology by Br. Thay Phap Tru - March-May

Thay will be giving ten Dharma talks about Buddhist psychology, giving members of Interbeing Denmark the oppotunity to dig deep into the Dharma of the mind. These teachings will be in the temple in Glostrup. Book via - your registration is only valid upon confirmation from us. New registrations will not be accepted after the first day of class.

The class will meet on the following Wednesdays, from 19:00-21:00: 21/2, 28/2, 6/3, 13/3, 20/3, 3/4, 10/4, 17/4, 24/4, 8/5

General Assembly - May

Our general assembly (generalforsamling) will be held in May for members. Details will be provided via email to members as the date approaches.

Facilitation Training

In cooperation with Dharma teachers from the Order of Interbeing, new and upcoming facilitators will receive introductions to how to facilitate activities, topics for reading, an introduction to the bell and how to use it, how to facilitate Dharma sharings, and related topics. These lessons will be available online in 2024, when sufficient interest has been registered.

Study Groups

We offer study groups for our members where we read about the Dharma and share about what we've learned. These groups will meet online. The next Five Mindfulness Trainings study group will be in 2024, consisting of six online meetings held on weekdays in the evening.

Five Mindfulness Training Recitations - Online

For members who have already received the Five Mindfulness Trainings, we will hold online recitations to keep the practice alive even for those who cannot join the recitation in the temple or who would like to recite more often. The first online recitation of the Five and Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings took place on January 6, and further recitations will be scheduled as needed.


To become a member of Interbeing Denmark, please fill out the online registration form.